Monday, April 26, 2010

History Repeats Itself

Once again, there is a strike nationwide, for unlimited period. Maoists have warned to go on strike and may be start the new Jana Andolan. The history would be repeating itself. It would not only disturb the peace process but also result in loss of many lives and property.Their threats are creating terror in the citizens. It not only hampers their professional life but also personal.

The most harmed victim of this stike would be the students awaiting their Board exams for grade 12/11. If the exams are posponed then it will affect the new sessions. The results will be late and the students who would be trying for abroad studies will be late for their classes. It totally disturbs the educational system even in the country itself. This is entirely unfare to the students.

Why can't these people be calm and come together to develop the nation and keep aside their selfishness? Why can't they think about the progress of the country and the people and not the power that the Chair for Head of the Nation carries?

1 comment:

  1. तिमी उसलाई यसो भन, “यहाा देशको छ चिन्ता, तिमी माया—माया भन्छौ । बुझ्दै नबुझ्ने हो कि, नबुझ्नेजस्तै गछौ ।”
